Tanara McCauley

Culturally Imagined Stories

NaNoWriMo: A Novel Goal

Image courtesy of Just2shutter / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I’m amped. And not from pilfering candy.

My blood is buzzing through my veins because, in little more than an hour, I’ll lay aside inhibitions, excuses–and a small portion of my sanity–and join thousands of writers around the world on a mission to write an entire novel…in one month.

November is National Novel Writing Month, otherwise known as NaNoWriMo.

I signed up less than a week ago, not sure if I could accomplish such a lofty goal. I had a million excuses reasons as to why I couldn’t. It didn’t take long to see those reasons excuses for what they were.

Now I’m committed.

Coffee to my right. Notepad to the left. Computer front and center. Hoodie on my noggin.

After some prayer, last-minute preps and a bit of knuckle cracking, I’ll watch the clock strike midnight. Then it’s “on like Donkey Kong.”

You can keep track of my daily progress on Twitter @TanaraMcCauley. If I need input or ideas for names, twists, etc., I’ll update that information on my Facebook. I will also make time to post here weekly.

Have a great November folks! Lord willing, I’ll have another novel under my belt when I meet you on the other side of it.

Your turn: Do you have any lofty goals you’ll be challenging yourself with? Or any special plans for the month of November?

13 responses to “NaNoWriMo: A Novel Goal”

    • Thanks, Jeanne! This is my first year participating and so far the experience has been good. I’m afraid I’ll hit a wall at some point (yesterday I had to scale one 😉) but God is truly using this to show me more about myself as a writer. He’s been my daily help. Blessings to you with your WIP!


  1. I am trying to post monday through friday, but I am nowhere near all the words required to participate, I need to finish my crochet projects lol, but I am hoping you meet your goal Tanara…. 🙂


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